Researchers with PlantForm Corporation and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada are exploring the potential of a novel approach to protect piglets from Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea through their mother's colostrum.PlantForm Corporation and the London Research and Development Centre, with funding from Swine Innovation Porc, are developing oral vaccines that, when fed as a top dressing to the sow, will trigger an immune response to PED.
PlantForm Vice President Research Dr. Doug Cossar says the goal is to deliver virus-like compounds through the sow's feed that her immune system will recognise and respond to and then share that immunity with her piglets through her colostrum.
Quote-Dr. Doug Cossar-PlantForm Corporation:
The immune system is tuned, if you like, to seeing particles.Viruses are very small particles, somewhere less than 100 nanometers in size.The immune system will recognise that on a variety of levels as being something which is foreign and try to attack it so we're trying to develop particulate vaccines.