The conference kicks off at 8:15 a.m. and concludes at 4:30 p.m.
Dr. Jodi Enos-Berlage, professor of biology and researcher at Luther College, will set the stage for the conference with her captivating message, The Power of the Unseen. She’ll combine her passions for microbiology and farming to focus on Iowa’s core issue: soil and water resources.
Angie Treptow, Farm Credit Services of America will offer her experienced financial perspective, including interest rate trends and the current business climate, as well as key coping strategies for borrowers.
Angie Setzer, partner at Consus Ag Consulting, LLC and an IPTV’s Market to Market commentator, will highlight what’s likely to impact grain prices in the year ahead. She also will discuss the best ways farmers can minimize risk and reduce the stress that comes with marketing.
During the luncheon, Iowa Women in Agriculture will shine a spotlight on the recipients of the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award in Agriculture and the Winds of Change Up and Comer Award.
The afternoon’s choice of breakout sessions will feature the following:
Kristine Tidgren, director of Iowa State University Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation; Rebecca Frantz, Hertz Farm Management, and Catherine DeLong, Water Quality Program Manager for Iowa State University, will advise women how to confidently take the reins and make decisions to advance and coordinate their goals as landowners.
Kellie Blair will share how she and her husband integrate a cow-calf herd, cover crops, and reduced tillage on their Dayton, Iowa farm. Blair is a co-leader of the Iowa Smart Agriculture group in Iowa and has partnered with the Iowa Soybean Association to promote soil conservation and add drainage water recycling to their operation.
Wendy Johnson, Joia Food & Fiber Farm and Centerview Farms near Charles City will offer her experiences of serving as Federal Policy co-lead of Climate Land Leaders, and how it’s helped her to evaluate conservation and regenerative practices. Wendy also chairs the USDA Farm Service Agency state committee and is past president of Practical Farmers of Iowa.
Capstone speaker Adrienne DeSutter, an ag advocate and Illinois farmer will wrap up the 2024 conference with a motivating message, Kitchen Tiling and Piggy Playhouses. She’ll share her strategies for how to talk more authentically and effectively about agriculture with a non-ag audience.
A complimentary Welcome & Networking Reception is set for Wednesday, July 31, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Gatherings in Nevada.
Participants also will have the opportunity to attend an afternoon pre-conference tour on July 31, hosted by the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Women in Agriculture Program. Featured stops include: ISU Veterinary Diagnostic Lab at 1937 Christensen Dr., Ames; Iowa Lavender Farm at 2516 Sand Hill Trail, Ames; Marshall Ridge Farm at 1131 245th St., State Center. Route maps will be provided to help participants locate individual tour sites.
Early bird registration will be $55 until July 29, and $75 after that date. Registration will include the pre-conference tour, evening welcome reception, and continental breakfast, lunch, and snacks at the conference.
Attention First-time attendees: IWIA is holding a drawing on August 1 to award Early Bird registration refunds to 5 first-time conference attendees.
Register online in advance on the IWIA website, by mail, or from 7:15 a.m.-8:00 a.m. on the day of the conference. Room blocks have been set up at the Courtyard at Marriott-Ankeny, 2405 SE Creekview Drive; register by July 2, 2024 for a conference rate.
Early bird registration is required for those attending the Pre-Conference Tour. For questions about the tour, contact Madeline Schultz at 515-294-0588.
For conference information, contact IWIA president Cheryl Tevis at 515-353-4425 or visit for a full Conference agenda and registration details.
The premier sponsor of the 2024 Iowa Women in Agriculture Conference is Farm Credit Services of America. Additional sponsors include Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, Iowa Bankers Association, Iowa Pork Producers Association, Stine Seed Company, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Women in Ag, Iowa Soybean Association, Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, and Hertz Farm Management, Inc.
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