Saskatchewan Agriculture reports substantial progress in spring planting over the past week in spite of rain delays.Saskatchewan Agriculture released its crop report Thursday for the period from May 28th to June 3rd.Meghan Rosso, a Crops Extension Specialist with Saskatchewan Agriculture, says producers are hoping to wrap things up over the next week.
Quote-Meghan Rosso-Saskatchewan Agriculture:
Seeding progress greatly advanced over the past week despite rain delays throughout the province.Seeding progress is now 94 percent complete.This is up from 77 percent reported last week.This falls behind both the five-year and ten-year averages of 97 percent complete at this time.
As we look regionally the southeast and the southwest are the furthest advanced at 96 percent complete, the northwest is 93 percent complete followed closely by the east central, west central and northeast region which all report 92 percent completion.The topsoil moisture continued to increase this week with the recent rainfalls we've had.