The most major changes that we're seeing are increased veterinary oversight for access for antimicrobials administered through feed and through water.
The drugs that will change are classes that are considered medically important to human medicine.
Those are what the VDD categorizes as 1, 2 or 3.
Any antimicrobials in those categories that are administered again through feed and water are anticipated to be under veterinary oversight in the future.
Secondly we're seeing increased controls over antimicrobials being brought into Canada that haven't gone through the Health Canada system so we will be closing some of the loopholes that have plagued our industry.
Dr. Rosengren says producers need to understand what's happening in their feed and water and where drugs in classes 1, 2 and 3 can substituted with a category 4 antimicrobial which is considered of low importance to human medicine.
She adds reliance on antimicrobials is always reduced through good husbandry and management.
Source: Farmscape