Poll Recap: Adopting a Wild Horse

Mar 31, 2015

In last week's online poll, we asked our readers if they had considered adopting a wild horse from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or National Parks Service. More than 600 people responded and we've tallied the results! 
Of the 620 respondents, 266 (43%) individuals said they would like to adopt a wild horse, but have not done so yet. Another 249 respondents (40%) said they have not considered adopting, while the remaining 105 individuals (17%) said they have adopted a wild horse or burro.
Additionally, more than 80 people commented on their responses and experiences in adopting a wild horse or donkey:
Several respondents commented about their experiences with wild horse adoption:
“I adopted two burros which are used to keep foxes and coyotes out of pastures. Great animals!”
Source: TheHorse

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