By Gary Stone
The Nebraska Panhandle crop report for the weekend ending May 17, shows despite a slight delay in planting due to wet fields, the sugar beet crop is planted and emerging. Corn planting should be completed by this time next week. Corn is also emerging across the Panhandle. Winter wheat looks good to particularly good across the southern and northern Panhandle growing areas. Alfalfa is progressing towards the first cutting, with a few reports of alfalfa weevil showing up. Alfalfa weevil may still be a problem after first cutting and growers are encouraged to scout their fields.
Irrigation water diversions and deliveries are taking place in the North Platte Valley canals and growers are taking advantage to irrigate alfalfa and other crops. Dry edible bean planting will be starting soon and take place over the next several weeks.
The weather forecast for the week preceding Memorial Day weekend is for chances of precipitation and cooler temperatures.