On the Ground Global Monitoring Helps Swine Disease Prevention

Sep 27, 2019

The Swine Health Information Center says the cooperation of contacts on the ground around the world is helping the swine sector become more responsive to the threat of disease. In an effort to help contain the spread of diseases that affect swine the University of Minnesota in partnership with the Swine Health Information Center is tracking swine diseases both domestically and globally through official government sources and through a network of contacts on the ground.
Swine Health Information Center Executive Director Dr. Paul Sundberg says one of the more rewarding aspects of this initiative has been the level of cooperation.
Clip-Dr. Paul Sundberg-Swine Health Information Center:
When we contact people for those soft sources in other countries, for the most part they're very willing to give us a heads up on what's going on. They're very willing to talk to us and  they're very willing to give us their intel about the animal health, the swine health status within their country. So there's a number of contacts and there's a network.

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