“Farmers in southern Minnesota are called to feed and fuel the world, and yet they face a historic agricultural trade deficit of $45.5 billion for this fiscal year,” said Rep. Finstad. “We must prioritize policies that promote the expansion of agricultural trade, which is why I joined Congressman Newhouse in reintroducing the Agriculture Export Promotion Act. This legislation will make targeted investments to the Market Access Program and the Foreign Market Development Program, which will strengthen and establish new markets around the world for our American farmers and producers.”
Rep. Hinson said, “The Market Access Program and Foreign Market Development Program have proven to be valuable tools that help American producers access new export markets while offering a strong return on investment. The Agriculture Export Promotion Act will help ensure that Iowa farmers have greater resources to remain competitive in the global marketplace, improve food security, and support our rural economy.”
"American farmers are struggling to stay competitive as foreign competitors ramp up their trade promotion efforts," said Rep. Panetta. “The bipartisan Ag Export Promotion Act will strengthen the Market Access Program and Foreign Market Development Program, giving our farmers the resources they need to reach new markets, grow their businesses, and support local economies. By making strategic investments in agricultural trade, we can create good-paying jobs at home while keeping American agriculture competitive on the world stage.”
“Opening and growing new markets for American-made products is critical to building our agricultural economy,” said Rep. Costa. “Food is a global security issue, and we must do all we can to reverse disruptions in trade and grow new partnerships that help deliver American products around the world.”
“The Market Access Program and the Foreign Market Development Program have proven to help local farmers and growers in my district bring their top quality products, including apples, cherries, and wheat, to customers around the world, unlocking economic opportunity on a global scale for Eighth District producers,” said Rep. Schrier. “I'm proud to be an original cosponsor of this legislation that increases funding for these programs to help the agriculture community facing the challenges of rising input costs, supply chain issues, extreme weather, unpredictable yields, US price pressures, and now tariffs.”
“Wild blueberries, potatoes, and lobsters are some of Maine’s most iconic agricultural products. In an increasingly globalized marketplace, USDA’s Market Access and Foreign Market Development programs have been instrumental in helping our farmers and lobstermen maintain and expand into emerging international markets,” said Rep. Pingree. “Our bipartisan Agriculture Export Promotion Act recognizes a fundamental truth: American agricultural producers cannot thrive in isolation. By boosting support for these vital programs, our bill will ensure our agricultural producers have the tools to compete, innovate, and reach new markets abroad.”
Full bill text here.
The Market Access Program (MAP) was established in 1985, and allows agricultural trade associations, farmer cooperatives, non-profit trade groups, and small businesses to apply for either generic or brand-specific promotion funds to support exporting efforts. Generic commodity funds are issues with a 10-percent minimum matching fund, while brand-specific funds require a funding match of at least 50%.
The Foreign Market Development Program (FMD) was first developed in 1955 and is largely used for the promotion of bulk commodities, helping agricultural trade associations establish permanent presences in important markets. It also includes a matching fund requirement.
USDA export programs like MAP and FDM have added an annual average of $8.15 billion to the value of American agricultural exports, and added up to 239,800 full and part-time jobs, including 90,000 farm sector jobs. Despite these successes, MAP and FMD funding has not increased since the 2002 Farm Bill, even as competitors increase their efforts; for example, the European Union’s spending for the promotion of wine exceeded the total budget of MAP and FMD in 2017.
The legislation is supported by over 150 stakeholder organizations including:
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute
American Cranberry Growers Association
American Farm Bureau Federation
American Feed Industry Association
American Forest & Paper Association
American Hardwood Export Council
American Peanut Council
American Pistachio Growers
American Quarter Horse Association
American Seed Trade Association
American Sheep Industry Association
American Soybean Association
APA - The Engineered Wood Association
Association Management Services
Atlantic Seaboard Wine Association
Blue Diamond Growers
Bryant Christie
California Ag Export Council
California Apple Commission
California Association of Winegrape Growers
California Canning Peach Association
California Prune Board
California Farm Bureau Federation
California Fresh Fruit Association
California Grain & Feed Association
California Melon Research Board
California Olive Commission
California Strawberry Commission
California Table Grape Commission
California Walnut Commission
California Wheat Commission
Cape Cod Cranberry Growers Association
Cassidy & Associates
Cherry Marketing Institute
Cranberry Institute
Dairylea Cooperative
DC Legislative & Regulatory Services
Distilled Spirits Council
Flordia Citrus Growers
Florida Citrus Mutual
Florida Citrus Packers
Florida Department of Citrus
Food Export
Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association
FL Peanut Producers Association
Florida Tomato Exchange
Georgia Poultry Federation
Ginseng Board of Wisconsin
Global Agri Trends
Global Food and Nutrition
Hardwood Federation
Highlands County Citrus Growers
Hudson Pecan Company
Idaho Grain Producers Association
Illinois Corn Growers Association
Indian River Citrus League
International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA)
International Trade Associates
Kansas Livestock Association
Kansas Sorghum
Kelley Drye & Warren
Kentucky Distillers' Association
Kentucky Thoroughbred Association
Louisiana Cotton & Grain Association
MacFarlane, Ferguson & McMillan
Maryland Ag. Associates
Michigan Apple Committee
Missouri Corn Growers Association
Mohair Council USA
National Association of State Depts. of Ag
National Association of Wheat Growers
National Chicken Council
National Confectioners
National Corn Growers Association
National Cotton Council
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
National Farmers Union
National Grange
National Hay Association
National Milk Producers Federation
National Oilseed Processors Association
National Pork Producers Council
National Potato Council
National Sorghum Producers
National Sunflower Association
National Turkey Federation
Nebraska Corn Board
Nebraska Wheat Board
Nebraska Sorghum Board
New York Apple Association
New York Wine & Grape Foundation
North American Meat Institute
North American Renderers Association
Northwest Hort Council
Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association
Oregon Wine Board
Oregon Winegrowers Association
Organic Trade Association
Pear Bureau Northwest
Pet Food Institute
Produce Marketing Association
Pyle & Associates
Schramm, Williams & Associates
Softwood Export Council
South Dakota Association of Cooperatives
Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association
Southern U.S. Trade Association
Sunkist Growers
Synergistic Hawaii Ag. Council
Texas Cattle Feeders Association
Texas Grain Sorghum Producers
Texas Pecan Growers Association
Texas Quarter Horse Association
The Macon Edwards Company
The Normandy Group
The Popcorn Institute
US Apple Association
US Apple Export Council
US Cattlemen's Association
US Dry Bean Council
US Dry Bean Council & Pulse Crops
US Grains Council
U.S. Livestock Genetics Export
US Meat Export Federation
US Rice Producers Association
US Soybean Export Council
US Wheat Associates
U.S. Peanut Federation
USA Poultry & Egg Export Council
USA Rice
Washington Apple Commission
Washington Association of Wheat Growers
Washington Grain Commission
Washington Hop Commission
Washington State Fruit Commission
Washington State Potato Commission
Washington Wine Growers
Washington Wine Institute
Watson Green LLC
Western Growers Association
Western Sky Strategies
Western U.S. Trade Association
Wine Institute
US Ag. Export Development Council
Source : house.gov