MyFarm Crop Management Calculator

Jun 01, 2016
The MyFarm Crop Production Cost Calculator (XLS 817KB) enables farmers to estimate the annual cash cost of producing field crops on their land. Knowing the cost of production is essential to management, marketing strategy and risk management planning and to giving a farm the best opportunity for overall profitability.
MyFarm Example Farm (XLS 1.11MB)
MyFarm calculates:
  1. marginal returns
  2. break even yields
  3. break even crop prices on total production and remaining unsold inventory
  4. land and machinery cost analysis
  5. cash based financial ratios
Key Features:
  1. based on guidelines for estimating crop production costs (simple and easy to use)
  2. cash production costs on an annual basis (bushel, acre and total farm)
  3. can be used for pre-season planning, growing season management and crop marketing before and after the crop is in the bin
Key analysis:
  1. cost of production
  2. costs per bushel, per acre and total farm
  3. gross revenue estimates
  1. break even prices and yield
  2. average price sold to date
  3. break even price on remaining unsold production
Source : Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
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