Crop specific fertilizer recommendations based on soil tests have a long shelf life, generally only updated every 20 years. FRST is the first national database to archive soil test correlation providing a baseline of data and ensuring the information is not lost as scientists retire, Reed added.
FRST currently stores phosphorus and potassium information, two of the big three in crop fertilization, with nitrogen completing the trio. Phosphorus is a building block of DNA and RNA and helps with root development, increases resistance to disease and contributes to flower development. Potassium controls water regulation and helps plants respond to stress.
The new tool represents a significant advancement in soil testing for phosphorus and potassium and nutrient management that uses data from across the U.S. Researchers hope the tool’s precise soil test calibration might one day contribute to significant annual savings for farmers across the country while also reducing excess nutrient losses to the environment.
“We believe that FRST will not only benefit farmers by improving farm economics and conservation practices but also contribute to global sustainability," Jagmandeep Dhillon said.
While the tool is primarily for researchers, farmers will also benefit by comparing results from the tool to their specific nutrient recommendations.
Nathan Slaton, soil science researcher at the University of Arkansas and a leader on the project said the tool helps anyone interested in calibrating traditional soil tests.
“Anyone can use this web-based tool to check their soil-test-based fertilizer recommendations against the FRST research results relevant to their crop, soils and geographic area.”
The current version of FRST includes data from nearly 2,500 phosphorus and potassium trials for 21 major agricultural crops. In the next phase, FRST will provide research-based phosphorus or potassium rate response information to assist farmers in selecting the minimum fertilizer rate expected to produce maximal crop yield.
Funding for the FRST project has been provided by the USDA-NRCS including the Conservation Innovation Grants, USDA-ARS, USDA-NIFA and OCP North America.
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