MN Farmers Encouraged to Take Part in Annual Survey

Feb 29, 2024

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is encouraging farmers to take part in its annual pesticide and fertilizer survey. This year’s survey will focus on best management practices (BMPs) for soybean and farmers. The data being collected helpsMDA track the awareness, adoption, and use of nitrogen and pesticide BMPs and provides guidance to education and research programs.

The mailed survey is being sent to the 7,600 Minnesota farmers selected for this project. Farmers who have not returned their questionnaire by mail will be contacted by phone after March 15.

The pesticide and fertilizer survey is conducted for the MDA by the USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service out of their regional offices.

Minnesota farmers may be getting calls from multiple agencies and companies conducting a variety of surveys this time of year, but the information gathered from this survey is critical for research and educational purposes.