In episode 35 Dave Nicolai and Seth Naeve chat with Dr. Jeff Coulter, University of Minnesota Extension corn agronomist, about early season precipitation, soil crusting and plant assessment of the 2024 corn crop in Minnesota. In addition, Seth, U of MN Extension soybean specialist, discussed how these same factors can affect soybean fields this spring. Jeff discussed delayed corn planting dates, desired soil conditions, corn planting populations and when to change corn maturity hybrid planting dates. Seth also discussed in detail the results of delayed soybean planting date research and recommendations for soybean planting populations.
Both Jeff and Seth referenced the University of Minnesota Extension Crop Management web pages for corn,, and soybeans,, as excellent starting points to review guidelines, best practices and potential issues for planting as well as seeding rates based on University of Minnesota applied research trials.
In summary: Jeff discussed May and June corn planting windows, survival of flooded corn, populations that are adequate when not at optimal levels, and recommendations for supplemental nitrogen fertilizer if needed. Seth discussed the scouting of early planted soybeans under weather stress, how recent rains were actually beneficial to alleviating some soil crusting and the awareness that seed treatments, while helpful, are not considered a long-term season long protection if wet soil conditions are excessive. Seth referred to the U of MN soybean management web pages which indicate that soybean planting in general as of May 22nd can result in 90-95% of maximum yield while dropping to less than 90% of maximum yield as of May 29.