Manitoba Agriculture reports, to accommodate crop insurance seeding deadlines, farmers have been adjusting their orders of planting.Manitoba Agriculture released its weekly crop report Tuesday.
Anne Kirk, a cereal crops specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, says heavy rainfall over the weekend in several locations further delayed spring seeding but seeded acreage increased over the past week to about 83 percent complete compared to the five-year average of 88 percent.
Quote-Anne Kirk-Manitoba Agriculture:
Most areas of the province have exceeded 150 percent of normal precipitation and all regions of the province have received more 100 percent of normal precipitation since May 1st so in general it is wet, good moisture conditions or too wet depending on where you are throughout the province and it has typically been cool so that growing degree accumulation is near or below normal for the majority of the province.In some cases, people, especially for pasture and forage growth, are looking to see more heat units because we do have a lot of moisture to get those crops growing.