Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) is pleased to announce the recipients of our bursaries for 2017.
Each year MBP offers six $500 bursaries to members, or the children of members, who are attending university, college or other post-secondary institutions. Students pursuing trades training are also eligible. Preference is given to students who are pursuing a field of study related to agriculture or those acquiring a skilled trade that would benefit the rural economy.
“As we’ve noted on many occasions, growing the provincial beef herd is a significant long-term goal of ours,” said President Ben Fox. “For that to occur we need to make sure that our rural communities have the skilled labour and professionals that our industry, and others, require. MBP is pleased to make a contribution to the educational pursuits of our six recipients and looks forward to following their progress towards their goals.”
The students were asked to submit a 600 word essay on what the beef industry means to them, their family, community and Manitoba at large. Students were also asked to include the reasons they enjoy being involved in agriculture. The winning essays were published in the September issue of Cattle Country.
The six recipients of the MBP bursaries for 2017 are:
· Naomi Best – Harding, District 6
· Bethan Amy Lewis – Kirkella, District 6
· Cassidy Gordon – Sonns, District 6
· Allison Sorrell – Kenton, District 6
· Connor English – Rivers, District 6
· Kaitlyn Davey – Westbourne, District 8
“These deserving recipients were chosen from a field with many strong candidates,” Fox said. “On behalf of MBP I wish the students all the best in their academic endeavours in the school year.”