By Alfredo DiCostanzo
The use of shades in feedlots has made a big difference in the effects of heat on fat cattle, but a few other strategies can help keep cattle cool, enabling cattle to keep gaining, even in the dog days of summer.
Cattle nearing the end of their feeding period should be given priority when deploying heat abatement strategies. Extra space for cattle to access water should be added to all pens, but particularly to those of cattle near harvest. The issue is not water supply, it is water access. Cattle behavior changes to promote cooling off—boss cattle remain at the water tank longer than necessary to drink, simply playing with water or enjoying a cooler microclimate.
Managing intake may require that bunk readers hold off on calling for additional feed. Also, some nutritionists may switch the feedlot to “cooler” diets (diets with more roughage). Use of bedding on strategic locations may help to reduce heat absorption from the pen surface.