Herd Health Programs Built On Prevention Are Key To Avoiding Disease Outbreaks Like The BVD Virus

Dec 07, 2016

For many cattle producers, discovering Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) in their herd can be very alarming and prove to be detrimental to the function of their operation. According to Boehringer-Ingelheim’s Dr. Scott King, this viral infection can be controlled best, by building your herd health program with prevention as its foundation. Dr. King spoke with Radio Oklahoma Network Intern Kalee Horn about BVD and how to avoid it.

“BVD can infect a cow during pregnancy and then that offspring can have birth defects and then can also be a persistent shedder of the virus,” King explains. “It may not be sick, it may not look ill, but it’ll be in your herd and will spread the virus to the rest of your herd.”

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