Hensall Co-op Announces Winners of 2024 Bright Futures Scholarship

Oct 08, 2024

 Hensall, ON. The Board of Directors and Hensall Co-op employees are pleased to announce the recipients of the fourth annual Bright Futures Scholarship. Speaking with Brad Chandler, CEO of Hensall Co-op: “I am thrilled to congratulate this year's Bright Futures Scholarship winners and am inspired by the number of talented students who applied.

This overwhelming interest shows just how vital educaOon is in our rural communiOes, and Hensall Co-op is eager to support the next generaOon of leaders.” Hensall Co-op is Proud to be Farmer Owned and proud to support educaOon. Marisa Huberts (Moorefield, ON) will be aWending the University of Guelph for a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. As a future Agronomist, Marisa intends to apply her knowledge “directly to support Canadian farmers and the agricultural community.

” AWending Olds College for an Agriculture Management Diploma is Abby Pepper (Merlin, ON). With her educaOon, Abby will equip herself with the “knowledge and skills necessary to address the challenges faced by farmers and contribute to sustainable agriculture pracOces.” The third recipient is Lauren Hoonaard (South Huron, ON) who is aWending the University of Guelph for a Bachelor of Commerce, with a focus on Food and Agriculture Business.

Lauren is “excited to work in agriculture to help farmers grow high-yielding crops to help feed the ever-growing populaOon.” She was a previous Hensall Co-op summer intern, which is another program aimed at supporOng educaOon in the agricultural industry. Due to the unprecedented number of applicaOons submiWed, two addiOonal grants were awarded this year. MaWhew Peters will be aWending Fanshawe College and will support his "rural community and Canadian agriculture by acquiring a diploma in cyber security and helping farmers and agri-businesses protect their data against cyber security threats."

AddiOonally, David Webster (London, ON) is aWending the Ontario Veterinary College to obtain his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. David plans to “work closely with farmers and livestock producers to improve animal health, increase producOvity, and promote sustainable farming pracOces.”

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