Growing Winter Wheat

Feb 10, 2016
Growing winter wheat is growing in popularity throughout Alberta as it has many advantages. But is low snowpack is a concern for winter wheat growers this year? Monica Klaas, acting agronomist with Ducks Unlimited says that’s not necessarily the case.
“Typically we would be concerned about a lack of snow cover as it gives growers insulation. However this year, because we have warmer than usual temperatures, growers don’t really require that insulation so lack of snow cover would be more related to possible lack of moisture rather than the insulation factor,” Klaas says. “At this point in time there are absolutely no alarm bells going off over the amount of snow cover.”
Klaas says there is concern that atmospheric conditions that could lead to icing might still occur over a crop as it is still only February. She says she’s talked to people that have grown winter wheat for a long time and the one condition that they fear is when it gets really warm and then gets very cold and stays cold for a prolonged period of time.
At this point she says, most winter wheat crops are still dormant so there are no concerns about emergence followed by a frost.
Klaas says a great resource for current and interested winter wheat growers is the Western Winter Wheat Initiative website.
“There are some really good production tips, marketing recommendations, a Twitter feed and you find out who’s who in the winter wheat world so it’s a great networking tool” she says.
Source : Agriculture and Forestry
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