B.C. farmers who suffered extraordinary damages in last year’s devastating floods will have access to up to $228 million in federal-provincial government support.
On Monday, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Marie-Claude Bibeau and British Columbia Agriculture Minister Lana Popham announced the Canada-BC Flood Recovery for Food Security Program, which will be delivered by the Government of British Columbia and will leverage the federal government’s AgriRecovery Framework and Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (DFAA).
The Canada-BC Flood Recovery Program for Food Security will help farmers who have incurred extraordinary expenses from uninsurable damages such as:
- Clean-up, repair and restoration of land, barns and animal shelter, water and waste systems; returning flood impacted land and buildings to a safe environment for agricultural production
- Repair of uninsurable essential farm infrastructure; reasonable repair of on-farm structures such as livestock containment fences, and the rental of temporary production facilities drainage ditches and riprap
- Animal welfare; replacement feed as well as livestock transportation, veterinary care and mortality disposal
- Loss of perennial plants not raised for resale