In 2023, my first full year serving as executive vice president at the American Farm Bureau Federation, I enjoyed witnessing the complete cycle of the grassroots policy development process, from county Farm Bureau meetings to last year’s convention in Puerto Rico. Together, our farmer and rancher members have accomplished much, and we have the potential to do even more in 2024.
Farm Bureau took a giant step forward on the right to repair issue in 2023 by signing memorandums of understanding with five farm equipment manufacturers. The agreements formalize farmers’ rights to access tools and parts to repair their equipment. Our members called upon us to find a private solution to this issue, and we answered that challenge. Now, almost three-quarters of agricultural equipment in America is covered by right to repair agreements.
The U.S. Supreme Court handed down a major victory for America’s farmers and ranchers in its Sackett v. EPA ruling. The justices ruled unanimously that EPA overstepped its authority under the Clean Water Act. It forced EPA to rewrite the Waters of the United States rule. Our work continues to create a rule that is clear and concise, while protecting our nation’s waterways.
Farm bill