FFAR & Danone North America Announce Grant Opportunity to Support Regenerative Agriculture

Nov 21, 2024

Today, the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research and Danone North America announced the opening of a Request for Applications (RFA) focused on promoting regenerative agriculture. The grant opportunity Understanding the Impact of Hub Farm Resources in Expanding Adoption of Regenerative Agriculture Practices will provide up to $450,000 total over one to two awards for research fostering the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices.

Regenerative agriculture practices like cover crops can sustain healthy agroecosystems by improving biodiversity and soil and water health. To encourage broader adoption of regenerative agriculture practices, we need innovative solutions that farmers can easily access and use. This RFA seeks to promote the use of regenerative practices by understanding the impact hub farms – cooperative locations to share resources and best practices – can have on adopting these practices.

This funding intends to support socio-economic research on both large and small dairy farms that aims to promote replication of hub farm best management practices across the farm environments. The research should also provide guidance for encouraging middle adopters of regenerative agriculture practices to increase and maintain cover crop acres and facilitate the acquisition of appropriate equipment and infrastructure to scale these practices.

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