Ottawa, Ontario – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Today, Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial (FPT) Ministers of Agriculture met to discuss key areas of interest for Canada’s agriculture sector. The meeting was an important precursor in the lead up to the Annual Conference in July, and helped to progress Ministers’ ongoing work together to advance sustainable growth and competitiveness of Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector.
Areas discussed included progress on the Next Agricultural Policy Framework (NPF), the successor to the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, which expires on March 31, 2023. Ongoing exchanges will set the stage for the upcoming Multilateral Framework Agreement (MFA) signing, which will see the realization of the Guelph Statement.
This shared vision of FPT Ministers of Agriculture will position our agri-food producers, processors and others in the sector for continued success as world leaders in sustainable agriculture, and enable a globally competitive sector. The vision promotes sustainable growth in agriculture, both economically and environmentally, by creating the conditions for Canadian businesses to meet evolving challenges of the interconnected domestic and global marketplace. To further promote sustainability in agriculture, Ministers discussed the need for action on climate change, and opportunities for the sector to lower emissions while maintaining and enhancing sector competitiveness.
Ministers, who stand united with Ukraine, also spoke about their ongoing concerns around global food supplies, food security and the supply of essential inputs, including fertilizers. Ministers discussed how to help maximize Canada’s contribution to global food supply. They also recognized the multiple strains this is causing on the agricultural and agri-food system from producers to consumers, and agreed to work together to stabilize the supply chain wherever possible.