What species are impacted by the FDA letter? Although the letter was issued to veterinarians and their dairy clients, the use of aspirin is also impacting swine and potentially other species.
What should I do if aspirin was accidentally administered to food animals? Please contact and work with your veterinarian. FARAD will work with veterinarians to determine case-by-case withdrawal interval recommendations (milk and meat) following accidental aspirin administration to food animals.
What drug is approved to treat pyrexia and pain in cattle? Banamine transdermal (Flunixin) is the only FDA-approved drug for beef and dairy cattle for control of control of pyrexia (fever) associated with bovine respiratory disease and acute bovine mastitis, and the control of pain associated with foot rot. Additionally, there is one FDA-approved human aspirin product (Vazalore) that is currently marketed and veterinarians might use in food producing species under specific conditions, according to the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act (AMDUCA). Please contact your veterinarian for more information.
What does this federal regulatory change mean to you and your livestock operation as well as veterinary practices?
This means that livestock operations would need to establish a veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR) to treat animals experiencing pyrexia and pain. Consult your veterinarian for more information. Although there currently are over-the-counter unapproved FDA aspirin products available in the US market, retail suppliers who were able to sell these drugs/products in the past may no longer sell them.
What is a veterinarian-client-patient-relationship?
A veterinarian-client-patient-relationship (VCPR) is defined by the American Veterinary Medical Association as the basis for interaction among veterinarians, their clients, and their patients and is critical to the health of your animal(s). The practical explanation is that it is a formal relationship that you have with a veterinarian who serves as your primary contact for all veterinary services and is familiar with you, your livestock/animals, and your farm operation. This veterinarian is referred to as your Veterinarian of Record (VoR), and both the VoR and the client should sign a form to document this relationship.
Helpful resources:
- Dear Veterinarian Letter regarding use of aspirin products in lactating dairy cattle. News release. US Food and Drug Administration. October 11, 2024. https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/product-safety-information/dear-veterinarian-letter-regarding-use-aspirin-products-lactating-dairy-cattle.
- FDA warns against use of unapproved aspirin in lactating dairy cattle. News release. American Veterinary Medical Association. October 23, 2024; updated on October 29, 2024. https://www.avma.org/news/fda-warns-against-use-unapproved-aspirin-lactating-dairy-cattle?utm_source=delivra&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=todays-headlines-news.
- Aspirin in dairy cattle: Challenges and consideration. Food Animal Residue Database (FARAD). http://www.farad.org/publications/FARAD_Aspirin_DairyCattle_10-24.pdf. November 1, 2024.
Download a VCPR template developed by the Ohio Veterinary Medical Association Drug Use Task Force at: https://extension.vet.osu.edu/general-food-fiber-animal-resources.
Source : osu.edu