Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan, through its web site, has released the first of a series of videos to help non-farming consumers relate to farmers and life on the farm. Canadian Food Focus, the national consumer engagement program administered by Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan, in collaboration with Aspen Films and the Chicken Farmers of Saskatchewan with support from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership is in the process of producing a series of short videos designed to show the importance of animal welfare, biosecurity and family farming.
Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan Executive Director Clinton Monchuk says Canadian Food Focus was viewed as an opportunity to get out of our agriculture bubble.
Quote-Clinton Monchuk-Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan:
This was one of our first opportunities to really focus on what consumers were interested in and that was food.So, what we did is we created Canadian Food Focus that is very food focussed but then it has that undercurrent of how food is being produced.When you start following social media and what the consuming public looks at, it's what are called reals or short videos.