An economic assessment conducted on behalf of the Swine Health Information Center has determined a Japanese encephalitis virus outbreak in the United States, similar to the one experienced in Australia in 2022, would cost the U.S. pork sector between 306 million and 612 million dollars in lost production.
In response to Japanese encephalitis virus outbreak in Australia in 2022, Dr. Liz Wagstrom with Wagstrom Consulting and a team of economists and production veterinarians gathered production data from the Australian outbreak to predict production losses in the event of a U.S. incursion.
Swine Health Information Center Associate Director Dr. Lisa Becton says understanding the potential economic impacts of JEV on pork production in the U.S. is critical to protecting the health of the US swine herd as well as mitigating the risk of this emerging disease.
Quote-Dr. Lisa Becton-Swine Health Information Center: