Be prepared to apply appropriate pesticides to introduced perennial pastures, especially if fertilized. Pests, such as weeds or insects, rob production from introduced pastures. Appropriately applied pesticides can protect the fertilizer investment. If six or more weed plants per square foot emerge early in the season, herbicide treatment is usually recommended. Grasshoppers or armyworms can be effectively treated with appropriate pesticides if treated early. For specific products, rates and timing, visit with your pest management specialist.
Spray unwanted weeds in native range pastures if weed pressure is expected to inhibit forage production. In native range, a forage composition of 15 to 25 percent forbs is normal and not usually at an economic threshold to warrant treatment. If wildlife is an important component of the operation, a healthy population of desirable forbs is needed. However, if weeds such as ragweed, broomweed and sericia lespedeza were an issue last year, a timely application of an appropriate weed spray could be beneficial. If an herbicide application is deemed necessary, target the most productive range sites. Planning now can ensure a more timely application and improve the efficacy of the treatment. For specific products, rates and timing, visit with your weed management specialist.
Provide rest and recovery to overgrazed or overused native range pastures. The recovery process for native range pastures begins with rest during the growing season. When possible, rest (do not graze) a targeted pasture for the entire grazing season. Graze the pasture lightly during winter, leaving adequate residual and ground cover. Another scenario would be to graze native pastures through early summer then defer grazing from July until after frost.
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