The Wild Boar Specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation says damage caused to the landscape by wild boar is usually the most noticeable indication of a wild boar population.The risk of the spread of disease, especially African Swine Fever, to domestic swine has made the eradication of wild boar a priority in Canada.
Hannah McKenzie, the Wild Boar Specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation, says they're numbers in Alberta are low so people may not be seeing them but there are signs to look for.
Quote-Hannah McKenzie-Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation:
The tracks are quite similar to deer but they have a bit less of that pointed heart shape and more rounded toes and the dew claws tend to be outside the track instead of in line.Then the scat is also something that folks can watch out for but, with the tracks and the scat, unless it's that perfect track or that classic looking scat, sometimes it can be hard to tell that it's wild boar.So, we really encourage people to watch out for some of the damage that they cause to the land.Those are usually good signs that wild boar are in the area.