By Alejandro Plastina & Wendiam Sawadgo
The USDA recently released data from the 2022 census of agriculture. In 2022, cover crops were planted on 6.2% of the total cropland acres in the South, surpassing the national average of 4.7% for the 48 contiguous states. In fact, the top five counties in the US in terms of percent of cropland in cover crops were all from the South, located in Virginia, Maryland, and Florida. However, there is substantial variation in the adoption of cover crops across counties, as shown in Figure 1. Maryland led the way with 27.3% of its total cropland acres in cover crops, followed by Virginia at 15.2%. On the other end of the spectrum, Louisiana and Arkansas had the lowest rates, at 3.2% and 3.4%, respectively.
Figure 1: 2022 Southern Cover Crop Adoption Rate by County, as Percent of 2022 Cropland