CFO Board welcomes applications as Ontario’s small whole bird market continually evolves

Feb 12, 2020

BURLINGTON, ON – As Ontario’s small whole bird market continues to experience constant change, Chicken Farmers of Ontario (CFO) has reviewed and adapted its business supply approach - resulting in the re-opening of new applications to the Board’s Small Whole Bird Supply program. The CFO Small Whole Bird Supply program is designed to meet a distinct Ontario consumer market such as Portuguese Barbecue or Small Barbecue Bird restaurants.
Launched in 2017, this innovative program allows CFO to direct the supply of live birds to specific markets currently in need of small whole birds. Specifically, the Small Whole Bird Supply program makes a supply of Ontario-grown chicken available in the weight range of 1.60 kg to 1.84 kg – to serve the existing small whole bird market in Ontario.
“We are continually striving to provide market-specific solutions when it comes to serving the diverse needs of Ontario’s chicken consumers,” said Rob Dougans, President & CEO, Chicken Farmers of Ontario.
“The Board is dedicated to demonstrating leadership by helping to identify market opportunities, and ultimately providing increased opportunity for farmers and processors alike,” stated Ed Benjamins, Chair, Chicken Farmers of Ontario. “This distinct small whole bird consumer market has continued to grow, and we hope to be able to further serve the market through this new round of applications.”
The amount of small whole bird supply which will be allocated to Ontario chicken industry stakeholders is dependent on current and future market analysis, the merits of the applications, and a compelling demonstration of the Applicant’s commitment to the values of the Board and the Ontario chicken industry.

Source : CFO
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