Congress now has the opportunity to fix COOL.
We are cautiously optimistic that this will lead to a resolution and trade on beef and pork will be restored.
The bottom line in this country is that what it has to do is repeal COOL and when the legislation is evaluated totally and it repeals COOL then we will be in a position to remove retaliation but not until it has satisfactorily removed COOL from pork and beef in this country.
That is the bottom line.
It has been stated from day 1 since I became minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food that that must happen.
I know that the United States Senate is fully aware of this, our stakeholders are fully aware of this and that is in the end the bottom line.
The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on the bill today, the U.S. Senate is expected to vote today or early tomorrow and, if passed, it will got to the President who is expected to sign it into law Tuesday.
Source: Farmscape