"We build in time for attendees to ask questions and discuss the practical elements of stocker/yearling management," said Erin Laborie, Nebraska Extension Beef educator and event organizer. "We want to hear from producers about what they need to know from a research standpoint, so we can shape UNL’s priorities around that, but this kind of discussion where they learn from each other has been valuable to both attendees and tour hosts."
This year’s tour and program are focused on the marketing aspect of yearling cattle, which was a topic that many previous attendees asked to address more in-depth.
Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. CDT outside of the Bassett Livestock Auction, 105 W. 4th Street, Bassett, Nebraska. Two local cattle operations are opening their pastures to the group to visit. Lunch will be served at Bassett Livestock Auction, followed by a producer panel to discuss the intricacies of marketing in the stocker/yearling space and how value can be captured through the various scenarios.
"We planned this to coincide with the annual Barbecue Yearling and Fall Calf sale at Bassett Livestock Auction, which is always a popular event that brings people to the area," Smith said. "People who come to town for the sale can stay one more day and learn about options that could have major implications for the way they do business."
The cost is $20 per person, which includes lunch. Please register by July 1 at go.unl.edu/stockertour24 or contact the BKR Extension Office at 402-387-2213.
Source : unl.edu