An Alberta-B.C. Seed Growers Association is Coming Soon

Apr 04, 2022

At the Alberta Seed Growers (ASG) and British Columbia Seed Growers’ Association Branch AGMs, members voted in favour of a branch merger, according to the latest Seed Scoop newsletter from the Canadian Seed Grower’s Association. ASG Executive Director Kelly Chambers has provided an update on the merger process, according to the newsletter.

To begin the merger process, the ASG By-laws needed to be updated to allow B.C. members to become ASG members with voting rights and the ability to run for board positions. A special resolution and suggested revised By-laws were sent to members 30 days before the respective branches’ AGMs, the newsletter says.

According to Chambers, these changes permit seed growers from both provinces to become full members of the ‘new’ organization (expected to be called the Alberta-BC Seed Growers Association). It is also expected that one government representative will be appointed from both Alberta and BC to the CSGA board, she said.

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