AgMobile App Brings Local Grain Bids To Farmers

Mar 18, 2015

AgriCharts, the agricultural commodity division of Barchart, and Successful Farming, have announced that they are incorporating intraday cash grain bids into their new AgMobile app.  AgMobile, which is a free app in the App Store and Google Play, is a one stop shop for farmers and agribusinesses needing grain market information on-the-go.  With intraday cash grain bids available at their fingertips, farmers can more actively monitor the price they can receive for their grain.  In addition to cash grain bids from local elevators, the app includes futures quotes, charts, news and weather.

"AgMobile is helping consolidate physical grain pricing in a currently highly-fragmented market. With local grain bids available through one central app, farmers can better monitor market prices," said Mark Haraburda, Managing Director of AgriCharts.  "Between the market data we are providing and the news, weather, and video content from our partner Successful Farming, AgMobile is a reliable new tool for farmers," added Haraburda.

AgMobile's Local Grain Bids features:

  • Grain bids are updated intraday
  • Local cash grain bids based on zip code or GPS coordinates
  • Farmers can view old and new crop bids

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