The House bill also proposes important measures to advance Smart Solar policy, given the prominent role that farmland and farmers are expected to play in our nation’s solar buildout. At this pivotal moment, good policy is essential to advancing renewable energy while keeping productive land in farming and supporting farm viability. The House bill would study the impact of solar on productive farmland, farmland access, and local farm economies and direct USDA to develop best practices that protect soil health during construction, operation, and decommissioning. It would also advance the study of agrivoltaics – projects that pair solar and farming. These critical steps would inform local decision-making and create a path forward that simultaneously advances clean energy and strengthens rural communities.
At a time when record land prices are placing the dream of farmland ownership out of reach for so many new farmers, AFT appreciates the reauthorization of the Commission on Farm Transitions—Needs for 2050. This commission would provide a platform for identifying the transition barriers facing both retiring and aspiring producers and provide policymakers with concrete recommendations to address this national concern. Additionally, AFT appreciates the inclusion of a new PFAS research initiative focused on understanding the sources of PFAS and opportunities for remediation.
While AFT considers the legislation to be a win for conservation, we welcome additional bipartisan discussion on how the next Farm Bill can more fully address climate change, meet the nutritional needs of the most vulnerable, and best serve small and midsized farmers. Specifically, as the process moves forward, AFT recommends that the Farm Bill also include authorization of the Regional Food Business Centers, establishment of an Office of Small Farms, and greater support for farmer-to-farmer conservation education.
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