10 Must-Have John Deere AMS Products For A Successful Spring

Jan 30, 2014

From MachineryFinder Blog

Ag management solutions (AMS) have come to the forefront of American farming as the world’s population continues to grow along with demand for a global food supply. John Deere has been one of the recent leaders in the ag management solutions industry, offering products that accommodate the needs of today’s growers.

As the spring season approaches, let’s take a look at ten John Deere AMS products that can simplify processes and make for a successful spring and beyond.

2630 GreenStar 3 Display

As costs of seed, fertilizers, and agrochemicals continue to grow, interest in site-specific application has been on the rise. The large color display for viewing and creating maps on the GS3 2630 takes variable-rate application to the next level.

AutoTrac Universal

The universal steering kit allows farmers to leverage their investment across multiple approved machine platforms throughout the growing season, meaning easy transition from planting tractors in the spring, to their sprayer in the summer and combine in the fall.

iTec Pro

Owners of iTec Pro will see substantial savings potential, adding up acre after acre, allowing operators to perform faster, more efficient, hands-free headland turns with high consistency.

Active Implement Guidance

Keeping implements on the desired guidance line is very important. This system utilizes the Application Controller 1100, a GreenStar display, and AutoTrac components with a variety of signal levels to provide increased implement precision throughout processes.Section Control

Section Control

lets producers take control of input costs, providing automatic section control for both air carts and CCS planters. This system also turns individual sections on and off with the help of GPS and GLONASS technology.

GS Rate Controller

Minimizing the number of passes taken through the field has become very important as costs have risen. The Rate Controller multi-product allows operators to combine what used to be multiple operations into one, allowing tasks to be simultaneously completed during a single field pass.


The automated boom-height control system helps reduce spray drift and increases the accuracy and effectiveness of chemical operations. In return, operators will be able to perform fast, more efficient, hands-free applications.

Mobile Weather

In many parts of the U.S., spring weather can be unpredictable. Most weather monitoring systems force operators to stop spraying, climb out of the cab, and use a hand-held device to check conditions. John Deere Mobile Weather lets operators make in-cab application decisions based on location-specific data.