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OFA: working for a better year ahead in 2015

Jan 09, 2015

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By Don McCabe, President, Ontario Federation of Agriculture

A New Year means a fresh start for many. For the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), the New Year means it’s back to work championing the needs of Ontario farmers to all three levels of government, with commodity and industry partners.
While the OFA continues moving existing issues forward, we’re certain 2015 will bring new challenges too. We expect to have discussions and consultations with the provincial government around land use planning, the proposed pension plan, Great Lakes policies and the government’s initiatives on climate change – to name a few.

The Premier’s agri-food challenge will continue to be an underlying theme across many of the issues OFA will focus its efforts on. With ag as the number one industry for the province, the steps forward in policy must always keep us globally competitive. The OFA will be looking for job creation and economic growth elements in all our discussions.

The OFA’s mission is to enable prosperous and sustainable farms. Achieving our mission involves tackling a range of issues – some are dealt with rapidly and others are ongoing for years. The issues the OFA will continue advocating for in 2015 include expanding farm markets by making fruit wines available through the LCBO and securing cost effective energy for farm businesses and rural communities. Some of the longer term initiatives involve a solid plan for farmland preservation and improved infrastructure in rural municipalities that mirror our urban counterparts.

These are interesting times to be in agriculture. Society is becoming increasingly distant to its agricultural roots and the actions of farmers are coming under greater scrutiny. This is where OFA’s advocacy role has never been more important. Some new terms of climate change, sustainability, and resilience are being introduced. At the farm, these words actually are part of the farm fabric already.  Farmers know beneficial management practices lead to a bountiful, profitable outcome. Ontario farmers are leaders in adopting technologies that work for their operations to leave behind a farm for the future generations. Society can expect Ontario farmer’s to deliver, but Ontarians must also get “an ear to the ground” to be informed that sustainability is a farmer’s business plan.

OFA represents 37,000 Ontario farmers and we’re proud to work on your behalf. Throughout 2015 we will be working on policy, advocacy, infrastructure and related needs to drive our diverse and dynamic industry forward. May your family and business have its best year ahead in 2015.

Source: OFA