Student hoping for help from agriculture community

Student hoping for help from agriculture community
Nov 07, 2018

Dispelling myths about farmers and social media

How do farmers interact on social media platforms? What social media platforms do farmers prefer? Are there ways agri-business can build positive relationships with farmers via social media?  These are just some of the questions Fanshawe College student, Ryan Ridley, is trying answer with a survey he has posted online. Social Media Specialist, Ryan Ridley, is currently enrolled in his final semester at Fanshawe College, completing his Honours Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Digital Marketing. With graduation in his near future, Ridley has been tasked with writing a thesis paper for his Digital Marketing Capstone course.
The topic Ridley has chosen surrounds how agri-business can better target agriculturalists on social media and he needs to conduct primary market research.
In January 2018, Ridley began working at as a digital marketing co-op student. After an eight-month placement, he continues to work with part-time while he finishes his studies.
Ridley has spent a lot of time refining the social media strategy at, “It’s one thing to have a theory about how the ag community uses social media, it is another thing to back it up with research,”  explains Ridley, “that’s when I approached to see if we could reach out to farmers to ask for their help.”
“Ryan did a great job at helping us tweak and refine our social media strategy, so we were delighted to help him conduct this important research,” says Publisher and Editorial Director, Paul Nolan.  “We are confident the ag community will respond to the survey and help him complete his studies.”
How can the agriculture community help?
By completing Ridley’s survey by November 25 –
If you post about your farming operation on social media, or post on social media on behalf of an agri-business, please take 2-3 minutes to complete the survey.  Please take the survey, even if you don’t do those things, so that Ridley can capture all points of view related to social media. 
The data collected in the survey, will provide Ridley with insights into the agriculture community’s thoughts and opinions around social media.  Ridley says once the results are complete, he will share some of the insights learned in an online article.
As part of the survey, Ridley is inviting participants to volunteer to complete some more in-depth research on the topic.  Respondents will have a chance to win a $25 gift card to TSC.
Data collected will be kept in the strictest confidence; individual data will not be shared.  Only aggregate data will be released.

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