Stephen Ritz leads Ag industry talent discussion

Apr 30, 2024


The upcoming Roundtable in Minneapolis will feature Stephen Ritz, an award-winning urban farmer and educator, as its keynote speaker. Ritz is celebrated for his pioneering work with the Green Bronx Machine, where he uses urban agriculture to enhance school performance and community vitality.

Ritz's approach integrates plant life into daily lessons across various subjects such as science, math, and language arts, which has significantly improved educational outcomes and student engagement. His initiatives have led to the growth of over 225,000 pounds of vegetables and the spread of his curriculum to over 875 schools worldwide.

This July 24th event will provide a vital opportunity for professionals in the agriculture and food industry to discuss strategies for developing the next generation of agricultural talent. The roundtable will include panels and discussions that highlight the necessity of agricultural education in creating sustainable and healthy communities.

Key topics will include addressing food insecurity through education, enhancing school performance through hands-on agricultural experiences, and the broader impact of educational innovation on community health and resilience. Ritz's participation highlights the critical role of education in transforming agriculture and supporting global food security initiatives.

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