Is Your Implement on the RightPath?

Is Your Implement on the RightPath?
Feb 27, 2025
By Ryan Ridley
Assistant Editor, North American Content,

Ag Leader Technology Introduces Passive Implement Steering Solution

Ag Leader Technology has announced an exciting new product called RightPath, aimed at improving the accuracy and efficiency of implements. 

Available for farmers later this year, RightPath is a passive implement guidance system that addresses the common challenge of implement drift. 

To learn more about this technology, met with Logan Handsaker, product sales specialist with Ag Leader Technology. 

He explained that implement drift occurs when the farming implement doesn't precisely follow the vehicle’s guidance line, drifting as much as 5 to 10 inches, even on flat ground.  

This drift can become more severe on hills or around curves, negatively affecting seed placement accuracy and crop productivity. 

RightPath solves this issue using a GPS receiver directly mounted on the implement. Unlike traditional steering systems, RightPath actively adjusts the vehicle’s position slightly off-line, allowing the implement itself to remain precisely on the intended guidance path.  

This approach significantly improves planting accuracy, reduces input waste, and enhances overall productivity. 

RightPath also benefits growers by providing precise seed placement, especially crucial when applying fertilizer or nutrients. It allows farmers to accurately steer implements like strip-till equipment and planters, ensuring seeds are planted exactly where nutrients have been applied.  

By closely aligning planting with nutrient applications, growers can maximize crop yields and input efficiency. 

Another advantage of RightPath is improved consistency from one field pass to the next, reducing damage to planted rows.  

Farmers will experience smoother operations, reduced crop damage, and improved overall crop yields due to this consistent accuracy. 

Watch the video below to learn more about RightPath. 

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