Phil and Karen, who both earned associate degrees from Lincoln Land Community College, married in 1982 and raised three children: Mike, Kevin, and Michelle. Phil later earned a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of Illinois before returning to manage the family farm.
When his parents retired in 1991, Phil took over operations, shifting focus from crops to expanding the hog business. By 1999, the farm transitioned to a farrow-to-wean operation, steadily growing to include multiple facilities and over 50 grower partners across Illinois. Today, Borgic Farms markets 450,000 pigs annually and cultivates 1,200 acres of grain.
Beyond farming, the Borgics have been actively involved in the industry. Phil served on the IPPA Board from 1998 to 2014, including two terms as president, and was on the National Pork Producers Council Board from 2014 to 2020.
Karen has played a key role in pork producer groups and was honored with Elanco’s Bell Ringer award. Their farm has hosted over 40 educational tours.
As Phil states, “If we don’t show others the great things we do every day, our detractors will tell their stories without knowing what really is happening on our farms.”
Their three children have also contributed to the industry. Mike recently celebrated 17 years as IPPA’s Director of Membership and will soon join Borgic Farms full-time.
Kevin, a leadership coach and Vanderbilt University’s Director of Catering Operations, has worked in hospitality since 2009. Michelle, a registered nurse, provides emergency training for Borgic Farms employees.
“I love showing people what we do every day to bring them delicious pork,” exclaims Borgic. “Our team members like to show others what they do and how much pride they take in doing so also.”
Photo Credit: borgic-family