AFBF grants support collegiate Ag leaders nationwide

Jul 30, 2024

AFBF mini-grants empower collegiate chapters for leadership growth


The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) supports Collegiate Farm Bureau chapters with $500 mini-grants each year, aimed at fostering student leadership and engagement in agriculture. These grants fund various initiatives that promote skill development and community involvement.

South Dakota State University utilized their grant to arrange a comprehensive industry tour, including a dairy farm visit, networking sessions, and leadership activities. The event, attended by 42 students, was a major success, setting the stage for future tours.

Murray State University’s grant facilitated participation in the national Young Farmers and Ranchers conference. The experience, which included networking, leadership workshops, and community service, inspired attendees to remain active in Farm Bureau activities.

The College of the Ozarks used their grant to support a community garden project in collaboration with Bridge of Faith. New composting and irrigation equipment were installed, and students actively participated in the project, benefiting local youth.

Washington State University applied their mini-grant to attend the Washington Farm Bureau’s Annual Meeting. The funding covered travel costs and allowed students to engage in discussions about agricultural policies and the farm bill.

The 2024-2025 AFBF Collegiate Farm Bureau Mini-Grant program is now accepting applications until September 21. Visit or email for more information and application details.

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