2020 Freightliner 122SD Tri Drive Daycab #5196 for Sale

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  • 2020 Freightliner 122SD Tri Drive Daycab #5196 for Sale

$174,500  CAD

(approximately $122,045  USD)

Equipment Specifications

Category:Trucks and Automobiles
Sub-Category:Conventional Trucks
Stock Number:5196
Brand:Heavy Haul
Cab:Day Cab
Engine horsepower:565
Engine make:Cummins X15
Location:Maple Ridge, BC
Options:X15 565 HP, 18 Spd, 16,000 x 69,000 Axles, Full Lockers, Single Deep Channel Frame, 23ft+ of Clean Frame, AM / FM / CD / Bluetooth, Power Windows / Mirrors, Battery Shutoffs, 168K Miles Loaded Beauty.
Overall condition:Excellent
Speeds Forward:18 Spd

International Machinery Sales Inc.

12845 - 261A Street
Maple Ridge, BC, Canada

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Detailed Description

Stock #: 5196
Exterior Colour: Metallic Grey / Black Fenders
Engine: Cummins X15
Horsepower: 565
Transmission: 18 Spd
Front Axle: 16,000
Rear Axle: 69,000
Gear Ratio: 4.10
Frame: 3/8s Deep Channel
Brakes: Jake
Suspension: Airliner
Wheelbase: 268.0
Mileage: 168K Miles / 270,369 Km

X15 565 HP, 18 Spd, 16,000 x 69,000 Axles, Full Lockers, Single Deep Channel Frame, 23ft+ of Clean Frame, AM / FM / CD / Bluetooth, Power Windows / Mirrors, Battery Shutoffs, 168K Miles Loaded Beauty.


Video Overview:https://youtu.be/9WRs1B4wmtI

Additional Description

122SD Tri Drive
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