2023 John Deere 8RX 370

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  • 2023 John Deere 8RX 370
    2023 John Deere 8RX 370
  • 2023 John Deere 8RX 370
    2023 John Deere 8RX 370
  • 2023 John Deere 8RX 370

$539,000  USD

(approximately $757,128  CAD)

Equipment Specifications

Manufacturer:John Deere
Stock Number:88391
Model:8RX 370
Serial number:1RW8370DPPL806231

Ag-Power Inc - Carrollton

25921 Hwy 65
Carrollton, MO, United States

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Detailed Description

Very nice tractor! IVT PS Trans, 110GPM Hyd Dual Pump, 5 SCV, 1000 RPM PTO, Poly Mid Rollers, 24" Belts measure 80% Wear Left, Rear Axle Support, Radar, Aux Hyd Outlets, Activecommand Steering, 4600 CMD Center a AT and Automation, Aultimate Comfort Cab, Air Seat with Cab Suspension, Ultimate Visibility, Signature Edition. Call or text Dennis Blair today at 816-863-6133 for a deal you can't refuse!
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