2023 John Deere 8R 250

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  • 2023 John Deere 8R 250

$547,400  CAD

(approximately $381,702  USD)

Equipment Specifications

Manufacturer:John Deere
Stock Number:00058544 (P)
Engine horsepower:250
Model:8R 250
Serial number:1RW8250DENC221147

Western Tractor - Burdett

Hwy #3
Burdett, AB, Canada
T0K 0J0

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Detailed Description

Cab / MFWD w/ Suspension / IVT / Guidance-ready: Yes / Guidance Receiver: Yes / Guidance Display: Yes / Rear PTO: 1000 / Rear PTO: 1000E / Duals / Tire Width: Narrow / Front Hitch / Signature Edition Na / Ivt (40k) Transmission / 4600 Cmd Center & At Act / 4600 Automation 4.0 / Ultimate Comfort / Air Seat & Cab Susp / Commandpro / Active Command Steer / 85cc + 35cc Hydraulic Sys / Six Remote Cylinder Control / Shift Pto-1000/1000e / Cat3/3n Qc & Sb 15,200lb / Reg Drawbar Cat 3 / R.Ax(120mm)118.5in Hdhubs Na / Dual-380/90r54 152a8 R1w / Firestone Tires / Ils Fa W/O Brakes Grp48 / If380/80r38 149a8 R1w / Ultimate Visibility / Front Fenders (480mm) / Rear Fender Xwide Qc / Intel Power Management / Foot Speed Control Throttle / Cold Weather Pkg 110v / Aux Hydraulic 1/2 Inch / Front Hitch - Grd Engaging / Aux Cmd Arm Ctrl / Auxiliary Driving Lights / 1pr 1378 Lb. I/S Cast Drv Extended Warranty January 30, 2028, Extended Warranty (Comprehensive) 60m/3000h 30 Jan 2028 Stock: 00058544 (P) / Serial: 1RW8250DENC221147 03/24

Additional Description

Cab: Cab, Front Axle: MFWD w/ Suspension, Guidance Display: Yes, Guidance Receiver: Yes, Guidance-ready: Yes, Loader: No, Options: Front Hitch, Rear PTO: 1000, Rear PTO: 1000E, Rear Tires: Duals, Tire Width: Narrow, Transmission: IVT, Specifications: SIGN
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