2013 John Deere 1830

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  • 2013 John Deere 1830

$124,995  CAD

(approximately $87,421  USD)

Equipment Specifications

Category:Planting and Seeding
Sub-Category:Air Seeders / Air Carts
Manufacturer:John Deere
Stock Number:951317A
Serial number:1A81830XJDL750294

Martin Deerline - Acheson

53032 Highway 60
Acheson, AB, Canada
T7X 5A4

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Detailed Description

61 ft. 1830 Hoe Drill, Dutch Paired Row Opener w/ Anhydrous, 5.5x21 in. Semi-Pneumatic Press Wheels, Full Run Seed and Primary Fertilizer Blockage, 430 bu. 1910 TBT Cart, 3 tanks, 520/85R38 Dual Tires, Stainless Steel Meter Boxes

Additional Description

Shoot: Double Shoot, Spacing: 12.5", Width: 61, Specifications: DEVLOO ROTO SCRAPERS; REAR ANHYDROUS HITCH AND HOSES; (3) RECENT STAINLESS STEEL METER BOXES 2019; CAMERAS INSIDE ALL THREE TANKS AND AT REAR OF DRILL; 550 Lb. Opener on Four Ranks; 5.5 x 21
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