Detailed Description
New Degelman Land Rollers In Stock. Models LR7645 & LR7651 Available. Three Sections With 36" Drums. . Heavy Duty 45 & 51 foot models built to last. 14' wide transport width, 16 ply flotation tires, factory assembled, 36" Drum are stronger and roll easier for optimized size to keep fields smooth and level.
Full line of Degelman products available from Warner Industries Swift Current location only.
Visit our website for more Agricultural Products.
Please contact one of our Sales Representatives for additional specifications, availability, and pricing.
• Swift Current - 306-773-3030 or 888-773-2744 .
* While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages. Please verify any information in question with a sales representative.