Detailed Description
Wolverine Ditcher, Scrape it, Spin It, Spread It,\r\nPerformance\r\n•Normally cuts 3-4 inches at 2 MPH\r\n•Can cut 2-6 inches at 1- 4 MPH\r\n•Can move up to 600 yard per hour\r\n•Can easily out work two scrapers\r\n•Throws dirt 100 -150 feet left or right\r\n•Smooth 5 foot wide flat bottom cuts. (No barrel cuts)\r\n•Can be controlled by laser or GPS equipment.\r\n\r\nDimensions\r\n•Weighs 9000 lbs.\r\n•22 feet long - 8 feet wide\r\n•9 feet high at top of chute\r\n•5 foot wide cuts and 5 foot Impeller