Used 2020 CLAAS JAGUAR 930 Forage Harvester

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$490,000  CAD

(approximately $341,677  USD)

Equipment Specifications

Category:Hay and Forage
Sub-Category:Forage Harvesters
Stock Number:0090374
Model:JAGUAR 930
Serial number:50200367
Type:Forage Harvester

GJ's Harvest Centre Inc.

424996 Substation Rd. RR #2
Burgessville, ON, Canada
N0J 1C0

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Detailed Description

980 cutter-head hours, 2020 - CLAAS Jaguar 930 with 1500 engine hours, premium LED lighting, premium cab with leather seats, 24-knife drum, 4wd, 600/65R28 Trelleborgs on rear, 710/70R38 Trelleborgs on front, quantimeter and NIR, variable drive, cruise pilot, rock stop, automatic cut length adjustment, opti-fill, rear bumper with 5 weight plates, central lubrication system, electro hydraulic accelerator gap adjust, 100/125 tooth multi crop cracker KP with manual adjust, XL Discharge chute and a XL rotator ring., 375L silage additive system
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