Used 2023 CLAAS LEXION 8700TT Combine

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$884,999  CAD

Equipment Specifications

Category:Harvesting Equipment
Stock Number:N/A
Engine horsepower:625
Model:LEXION 8700TT
Serial number:C8910099

GJ's Harvest Centre Inc. - Milverton

4679 Line 61, Perth East
Milverton, ON, Canada
N0K 1M0

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Detailed Description

475 separator hours. XXL Variable front drive, 2023 CLAAS LEXION 8700TT - 610 Engine hours, Straw moisture sensor, Cruise pilot, Jet stram 3D cleaning system, Roto plus 4/6 low speed, 18,000L grain tank (510BU) Premium line, upper and lower CB22 sieve, pivoting unload auger spout, 4XL Premium Line unloading system, 2WD adjustable rear axle, Premium plus straw chopper Advanced tailboard, 40KPH ground speed, 710/65R30 rear tires, Premium LED lighting, Mercedes OM473 (625HP) Premium Cab with leather package, Cemos auto ready., Rear camera and unloading auger Camera

Additional Description

Type: Combine
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