2022 John Deere S770

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$419,900  USD

(approximately $601,317  CAD)

Equipment Specifications

Category:Harvesting Equipment
Manufacturer:John Deere
Stock Number:99736
Separator hours:634
Serial number:1H0S770SCN0820139

K.C. Nielsen Ltd. - Estherville

2603 Murray Rd # 76
Estherville, IA, United States

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Detailed Description

520/85R42 Duals, 2WD, ProDrive Transmission, Commandtouch Multi Speed Feederhouse Drive, Premium Cab w/ Cloth Seat, Premium LED Lights, PowerCast Power Tailboard, Extended Wear Grain Handling, John Deere Factory Extension with MS 120 Tip Up, PowerGard 48M/1500 or March 2026

Additional Description

Axle: 2WD, Combine Type: Corn/Bean, Duals/Singles: Duals,
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